Real Estate & Development
Real Estate & Development
Our practice offers a full range of real estate services and advising. We assist our clients with property acquisition and sales, contract negotiations, tax free exchanges, land use questions, deed restrictions, title issues, and rezoning.
We are experienced with drafting and negotiating deeds, contracts of sale, restrictive covenants, easements, and leases.
Are you having a landlord/tenant dispute over a lease? We can assist our clients with reviewing the terms of their lease and negotiating with the other party to work towards an outcome that is acceptable to both sides.
Are you developing or redeveloping a site? Our team will work diligently to steer your project through the development process and to quickly resolve issues so that your project does not get delayed.
Are there deed restrictions on your property, or an unknown easement? We can assist our clients with reviewing the restrictions on their property and advising them on what their rights are for the use and enjoyment of their land.
Lastly, is your property under threat of imminent domain? Our team can guide your through the condemnation/ imminent domain process so that you receive a fair and equitable settlement for your property.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the following real estate transactions:
Acquisition and Sale of a Property
Type of Deed to Use (Warranty Deed, Special Warranty Deed, Quit Claim Deed, etc.)
Landlord/Tenant Disputes
Restrictive Covenants
Deed Restrictions
Land Use Issues
Development Process
Title Issues
Affidavit of Heirship
Water Rights (For Parcels that have Irrigation Water Rights)